Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What War Is About.... Taking My Daughter To Vietnam

I been in and out of war. I was one of the lucky ones that didnt loose their lifes in this place peope call hell.
When you are at war you spend your days humping around the land, you walk about 10 to 15 miles a day. In those days you get close to the other people at war. You can try to stop it from happening but you always seem to get a close friend.
When you finally get close to somebody you mostly liking have to deal with seeing their death. Like Curt Lemon and Kiowa, they were good friends to all of us. It is one of the most hardest things to deal with.
War is about the bugs and trying to keep your feet dry.
War will follow you till you are dead.
My daughter tells me that that I only talk about war and and write war stories. I wish I could change that, but its the only thing that I know. I want to take her to Vietnam, so she could see the things that I have seen. Maybe then see can see what war is about.

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