Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I killed Somebody

I remember the day that I killed somebody.
So much guilt going thru my mind.
When you kill somebody the thought always seems to be there, well for me it did. When you wake up everyday thankful for the day you have been given, and then you think how the man you killed would be thankful for more days to be alive. I took somebodys life away. I took somebodys son away. I took a good soul.... and in a way I took my life because its going to hunt me for the rest of my life. Seeing my wife, knowing that he will never have a wife because of me. Never have a family because of me. Never will grow old and have a happy death.
I never wanted to kill somebody, I never thought I was going to ever kill somebody.
I thought about how his life would be if he was the one that killed me and I was the man dead.
He would have when to college and started a family. Then I thought about if he killed me, if he would of been as guilty as me.
It hurts knowing that you killed a man, and he probably didnt want to be at war as much as you had.
I hate that I killed this man. I hate how Im going to have to tell my daughter when she is old enough to understand.
I hate myself for this.

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