Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rat Kill A Buffalo

Today was scary. After Curt Lemon got kill Rat completely lost his mind.
He was so mad at life he took it out on a buffalo. I didnt know what to do, how he was acting I knew I couldnt stop him.
I looked into his eyes, full of fear, hurt, and sadness. When I looked at him I seen a person that I didnt know... a side that I didnt think I was going to see. A side that everybody has, a dark side.
I knew he was going thru a lot of things and I could tell his mind was racing. So all I could do was watch him.
I watched him put bullets in this buffalo one right after another. Trying to let his pain escape thru hate.
It was so hard to watch a innocent buffalo being completely slaughtered for no reason. I hated to see that, but then I thought again about the man I killed. I killed an innocent man for no reason.
This world is so crule. This world is so full of hate and lies.
Rat knew it.
I knew it.
... and I think everybody knows that.

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